Freezing Surplus Eggs for Later

Storing extra eggs for laterWhen the weather is warm and the days are long chickens will be quite productive and happily supply you with eggs. Perhaps more than you can easily use.

As winter approaches, their production drops. Where are those eggs now that you need them?

Hopefully, in your freezer.

When you have an abundance, make scrambled eggs and add some favorites like cheese and veggies.  Make a big batch and easily portion them by using a greased muffin tin. Pour the whisked eggs and extras in and bake until done. When cool, freeze. Then pack into freezer bags or containers.

If you want eggs for baking in the winter months, whisk them and pour into greased ice cube trays.When frozen, pack as above. One egg cube is about the same as one medium egg.

Raw eggs are better for baking than for breakfast type dishes, so choose one or both methods depending on your homemade food needs.

 Gardening Jones

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